On the pod.net

April 6, 2006

Barenaked Ladies Studio Podcast

Filed under: Uncategorized — onthepod @ 2:30 pm


Barenaked Ladies Studio Podcast

BNL Website: www.bnlmusic.com
Podcast Address: www.bnlblog.com/rss/podcasts.xml

I don’t do a lot of the podcast thing, but there are a few that I listen to fairly regularly and this is one of them.

It’s hosted by Ed Robertson from Barenaked Ladies with guest appearances from the other band members and whoever else happens to be around at the time. The majority of the podcasting takes place at “Fresh Baked Woods,” a studio at BNL member Steven Page’s home in Canada. Ed has, on occasion, taken it upon himself to give updates from other locations including: his home, a van on the way to and from Banff, his bathroom and, most recently, from the Bahamas.

I find the BNL podcast fascinating. It covers what ever is going on that day in the recording process for their upcoming album, from recording tracks to who will mix the disc. It has also had some interesting discussions from the band on things like whether or not to release a double album and planning the BNL “Ships and Dip” cruise next year. On top of that, it’s funny.

There are also a couple of segments that have evolved over the course of the podcast. One of them is “This day in Barenaked Ladies History” where the guys talk about some of the more “colorful” moments that have taken place over the span of their career. The other is “What were you thinking when you wrote that song.” You guessed it, they talk about the inspiration for a song and generally play it live after the discussion, so for fans of the band…I think that would be worth the price of admission right there. The price, by the way, is free.

Generally, the podcasts themselves run anywhere between a short six minutes to the longest to date of nearly twenty two minutes. So far it’s always been amusing and entertaining and I personally hope that Ed will keep up the podcasting even when they are officially out of the studio.

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